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The Power of Resilience


January, a month that can be difficult for a lot of people. This year so far has been a bit weird, and I am one of those people having a bit of a rough go. While I am working on building my dream business and trying to get a long awaited blog posted, I hit depression and began self sabotaging. I then questioned, is this really the time to write my first blog? Hell yeah! As the loudest voice that ruptures in my mind. Let's do this, I got this! Then the depressed brain says, meh. Am I really good enough? Will anyone really read what I have to say? Will I be able to succeed? All the answers lead to yes, yes I can! And we are going to do this!

As an artist, and from meeting other artists, other humans really, we all doubt ourselves, and we all at some point self sabotage as well. We are also our own worst critics. That is fine in all, but it depends on you as to what you do with it. Will you stay there beating yourself up, working the 9-5 job, in a toxic work environment being unhappy and losing your creativeness and spark? Or will you be that badass and put that foot down and say, 'We Got This!' While moving forward, seeing where things can go as you build that dream you have always had. Some Days are going to be tough, and 100% they will be. If things were that easy, it wouldn't have that incredible satisfying effect, then that if you had worked incredibly hard for that dream!

I met with a friend today, and he mentioned that life is like a pendulum. Always swinging from one end to the other, and the fastest is when it passes the middle. We are happy, then we are depressed and stressed out, yet there is no middle ground. These days we don't allow ourselves to be in the middle ground as we can't stop thinking about what we need to do or what we need to get done. The middle ground is needed for us to regroup back into our body and take a breath. This allows us to have a better look at what is happening in our lives, to help that nervous system, and bring you back to your body. This struck a chord in me, as I have been on EI for the past couple months, and I am afraid to go back to a 9-5 job that is toxic. I am afraid that I will lose my creativity again. I also want to be there for my daughter like I have been able to for the last couple months. I am stressed as I have bills to pay and EI is not going to last forever, as much as it would be nice that it did. Ha! This is where I need to trust the process. I feel in my gut that things will be okay and it will work out. Life seems to work out as long as you are moving forward one step at a time. Right now, I need to feel that middle ground and spend that time building, being with myself, while also connecting with people. Winter is sometimes not easy, but I feel it is a time for us to slow down, and look inward and to BREATHE!

I have been wanting to follow my dream and spend my time being behind a camera meeting new and incredible people, capturing moments and stories and saving them with a photograph. For years I have had people tell me I should get into it professionally. Yet I continued to say no. "There was too much competition out there, and I am not that good of a photographer," I would say to myself. Then I came across Elena S. Blair last year. I first came across a couple of her courses through Creative Live that Chase Jarvis had started offering many different courses in creative fields. Which I highly recommend checking out Creative Live. After watching the courses, I subscribed to Elena's emails. Then one day, one of her emails stuck out at me like a beacon. A Mastermind course. I resonated with it and it made me feel good and inspired. Elena's energy is incredible and it really gets your energy going and gets you excited! She said a quote that really hit me, and I wish I heard it a long time ago. Unfortunately I cannot find the exact wording but this is what I got from it, "There may be competition out there, but everyone has something to offer as you are not like everyone else." I did sign up for Elena's Mastermind course this year and I cannot wait to see where this next chapter will take me. I love her motto; community over competition. Community helps people thrive and grow, while keeping us accountable.

In saying all of this, if you are struggling this month, remember to be patient with yourself, this will not last forever! Be resilient and never give up on yourself! Every day, and some of those days are going to be harder than others, if you do one task towards your dreams, that is a step forward. It doesn't have to be a big step either. I feel the pause is needed in our lives, especially for an artist (and we are all artists in our own ways) as sometimes we get stuck in our creativity. This stuck feeling, is telling us to slow down, BREATHE, smell the flowers and the air around you. The creativity will come back once you take that time for you. :) If you would like to share your January or winter blues experience and how you are staying afloat, I would love to hear from you.

Thank you for reading and I am excited to share my journey in photography with you. :)

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